World Viewer

World_name (optional) 0/100
Action (optional)
Element_type (optional)
Element_name (optional) 0/100
Details (optional) 0/10000
Tags (optional) 0/200
Related_elements (optional) 0/200
Combine_elements (optional) 0/500
Timeline_position (optional) 0/100
Search_query (optional) 0/100
Version_notes (optional) 0/500
Sample_text (optional) 0/10000
Offline_mode (optional)
Autosave_interval (optional)
Download_options (optional)

World Viewer

An interactive tool for worldbuilders to compile, save, and view detailed information about their created worlds. Organize, explore, and interconnect elements of your fictional universes, allowing for rich depictions of world history and complex locations. Features include text analysis, offline mode, autosave, mobile compatibility, custom world naming, and the ability to download world data.